
Love yourself. Everyone else is taken.

Want to know how to do that, even when it’s hard? Well, since you asked, here you go goddesses! The Eat Like A Goddess prescription for ending dieting and well, loving yourself like you mean it. Eat protein for breakfast and as much as needed. Eat enough,...

I’ll Feel Good Enough When…

There is trap that we all fall into at times and that is the “I will feel good enough when” trap. I’ll feel good about myself… When I lose the weight When I get the job or the clients or the career moves I want When I attract the perfect...

Fear is a liar

In the world of EFT and alternative techniques to access the subconscious belief patterns that keep us stuck, many people think that fear will just magically disappear one day when we’ve tapped or worked on enough of our negative beliefs and past issues. But...