
Before I worked with Sandy I had a lot of trouble with cravings and binging on comfort foods and I was at my highest weight and depressed about that.  Now I can tell that I'm handling emotions better and everything else better. I'm able to take action in a way that works for me towards my goals now instead of struggling. I feel differently too, like if I'm unhappy looking in the mirror, I really get it that I need to take care of myself now. I actually WANT to now.  I am feeling more able to take positive healthy steps that work for me with my health and weight. I think now "I'm hungry, I need nourishment" and I give myself what I need instead of eating my favorite comfort foods. I'm getting more comfort now out of eating healthy foods than the old comfort foods.

I also used to rely a lot on what others I admired would tell me was "right" to eat, and now I listen to my own body and follow that instead, and it works. I know there is no other authority higher than myself.

And I've lost 18 pounds and I'm feeling GREAT! I'm motivated and it feels really good.

(Less than 6 months later Terri sent me this about her success with weight loss as well, and she wanted to add this to her testimonial above.)

PS: we haven't even discussed weight loss in a long time!  The thing I originally told you was the most important thing for me to work on. . .and we haven't even mentioned it in the longest time!  I haven't missed it!  I feel that my diet is about health and that I am always willing to consider the possibility of even healthier options.  I feel very in control.  I have actively been making effort towards eating healthy and taking the excess weight off .  I've gone through several holidays and birthdays and other food events.  At all of these events I have eaten as I wished, felt great and was perfectly happy to flow easily back in to my general eating plan without any rebounding or cravings after the events were over. . .this stuff would have been my usual sabotage as, until now, I was not able to"eat a little bit bad" sometimes and "super strict" other times. . .it had to be all or nothing.  If I swayed, I swayed far and that made me afraid to ever sway and that made me sad and weird.  Thank you for helping me to have this control over food.  This has brought me sanity and the ability to enjoy food again.  To date I have taken off 60 lbs! I still have more that I will be taking off.  I know that I will get there and, this time, stay there!!!

Terri S, Aspiring Fashion Designer, Hayward Ca





I'm ready to end food cravings, feel amazing in my body,

and eat like a goddess!

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