The Craving Cure for Nutrition Savvy Spiritual Women Who Don’t Need Another Diet
This is for you if…
- you have tried a lot of diets from paleo to raw to alkaline and autoimmune special diets, and still struggle with cravings
- are stressed and eat for comfort when triggered
- feel overwhelmed and tired of not knowing what is going to work for you
- don’t feel you are able to consistently stick to a plan of action or stay motivated with health goals
- you want a lasting solution for weight loss and optimal health
The truth is, you can control and eliminate overwhelming urges and cravings and make it all obsolete even under stress. It’s just too easy and it frustrates me that nobody seems to know about this when they really need it.
That is why I created my 90 minute FREE audio training Ending Food Obsession Now that you can instantly download to learn how to heal this problem at the root cause. No need to constantly diet or restrict. We all know that doesn’t work so let’s stop. It only makes you feel like a failure. I’ve got a better way and it’s through following some basic, simple tried and true pathways that lead in to the subconscious causes of the food triggers in the first place!
If you have tried everything else and failed, good! You are in the right place. It’s not because something is wrong with you. Far from it.
Let me show you how easy it can be to lose weight without all the struggle and find peace with food and your body by following the roadmap into your own subconscious mind and healing the cause instead of constantly chasing the symptoms.
In this free 90 minute training that is available for instant download you will receive my BEST resources for healing that have taken me a lifetime to learn and that have allowed hundreds of my clients over the last 8 years to get free from a lifetime of food obsessions.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been struggling as long as you begin to look in the right direction now and find the true causes to the problem.
In this free audio program you will learn:
The Invisible Three: Identify and release the 3 invisible barriers that keep you locked in a never-ending battle with food, weight and your body.
- Get Clear On the Cause: why weight is not the issue, food is not your enemy, and how to clear the root cause of those extra pounds.
- A New Breakthrough! A revolutionary process that makes is super-easy for you to clear hidden obstacles to losing weight.
- Why Willpower Doesn’t Work: The real truth about willpower, dieting and exercise, and why any kind of force or effort simply won’t work.
- The Deal Breaker: The most important truth you must know if you are to ever change your relationship with food and your body.
- Cut the Cravings: The quickest way to retrain your brain so you no longer have the slightest craving or interest in certain foods.
- Fall In Love: How to relax into a sweet and loving relationship with your body and food, forever.
Don’t Waste One More Second Obsessing About Food or Your Weight! You Know You Were Meant for So Much More!
Look, I can understand if you’re feeling skeptical right now. After all, you are a smart, spiritually savvy woman, and you’ve already tried a hundred and one different diets and approaches in your quest to break free of this persistent food-weight issue. Why should this be any different? Here’s why.
“I’ve totally stopped thinking about food…”
“It’s been three weeks or more and I’ve totally stopped thinking about food… It’s not even a thought in my mind… I have no cravings, I’m not over-eating, its just gone!!! And the “evil me” who hates and criticizes my body constantly, she’s gone as well!! This is amazing.”
“No more night time cravings or eating issues”
“I’ve completely stopped thinking about food obsessively… no night time or dinner time eating issues either. And I was able to stop eating or craving wheat without even trying, and its only been a few weeks. I accomplished all of this without even having to think about it…. This is such amazing progress and in such a short time. I’m really excited.”
“I never believed this could be possible for me.”
“It’s been less than two weeks and I’ve lost 7.5 lbs without even trying… this has never happened to me before. I’m sleeping better… and my energy is MUCH BETTER. I feel better than I have in a long time… like my old self again. Thank you so much!”
“My cravings are gone!”
“When I found Sandy, my emotional eating was spinning out of control (chocolate bar, ice cream and cookies every day) and I had gained 35 pounds (and I’m only 5’2). I had very low energy and was depressed because my Mom was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer and died less than three months later. I had daily sugar cravings and insomnia off and on. “If someone had told me my cravings and binges would end in one month after working with Sandy I would’ve said it was impossible. But after four weeks, the cravings were gone and I ended the habit of emotional eating. My energy has returned and my depression has lifted… I have a renewed vitality and zest for life and I’m feeling better than ever.”
“I’m not tired and depressed any more.”
“I’m not an easily influenced person and I tend to be cynical of anything I consider to be “meta phu phu” sounding. When I first contacted Sandy, I was at my rock bottom. My sister, with whom I am very close, died earlier that year after a 17-month battle with cancer. I’d gained weight and was feeling really tired and unmotivated. I was ready to start the anti-depressants again. “Between the EFT and her common sense advice I’m starting to feel like a new person. I’ve started exercising (moderately for now), I’ve started Yoga (gently), I’m not so tired anymore. I’m starting to feel hopeful that I’m going to be strong, healthy, and happy again – soon. I highly recommend Sandy.”
“I’ve lost over 60lbs!”
Before I worked with Sandy I had a lot of trouble with cravings and binging on comfort foods. I was at my highest weight and depressed. Now I’m handling emotions better and… I’m able to take action in a way that works for me instead of struggling. I used to rely a lot on what others would tell me about what was “right” to eat, and now I listen to my own body and follow that instead. And it works…I’ve lost 18 pounds and I’m feeling GREAT! I’m motivated and it feels really good.” [6 months after writing the above, Terri sent me this]: “I’ve gone through several holidays and birthdays and other food events, and at each of these events, I have eaten as I wished. I felt great and was perfectly happy to flow easily back in to my general eating plan without any rebounding or cravings after the events were over. This stuff would have been my downfall, until now. I was never able to eat a little bit of what I consider “bad food”. . .it had to be all or nothing. “Thank you for helping me to have this control over food. This has brought me sanity and the ability to enjoy food again. To date I have taken off 60 lbs! I still have more that I will be taking off. I know that I will get there and, this time, stay there!!!”
No more diets. No more being jerked around by food or cravings. No more binge eating or reaching for those comfort foods anytime you feel emotional or tired or triggered over the holidays. Stop wasting your precious time and energy focusing on food and your body weight! This is about you taking your life back so you can have more of who you really are, more energy, more love, more joy. Sign up now and I’ll see you on the next page. With Love, Sandy Zeldes