Want to know how to do that, even when it’s hard?

Well, since you asked, here you go goddesses! The Eat Like A Goddess prescription for ending dieting and well, loving yourself like you mean it.

  1. Eat protein for breakfast and as much as needed.
  2. Eat enough, don’t diet ever. Not ever. Wait, let me say it again- NEVER.
  3. Stop criticizing yourself thinking that will help. It’s creating the problem. Tap and fall in love with yourself instead.
  4. Clear and release all the past incidents that created a poor body image in the first place.
  5. Stop blaming your body for everything. Worship your body instead.
  6. Worship yourself now, yes including your body. Now. At this weight. Yes, at this weight! Paradoxically, this works and no, does not create binges. Binges come from self berating and critique, not self love.
  7. Ask yourself every day how you can be nurturing to yourself instead of what you should eat.
  8. Take more naps and get to bed earlier.
  9. Stop being a people pleaser.
  10. Say no when you mean no. Your yes’s will get much more meaningful and pleasurable to give.
  11. Discover a practice that works for you of self awareness. Yoga, meditation, prayer, tapping, giving thanks, whatever but do it and do it regularly.
  12. Create a feminine vision of the divine when you pray. Why do I say this? I say this because by default, ever noticed how there is this male version you see in your head? What projections of “God” or the divine have you created? How does that make you feel? If it works, I say keep it. If it doesn’t, let it go and pray to another God or Goddess.
  13. Take back your body image. I mean what is going on here? Can we all just take a step back and notice that body image is different in different cultures, places and times? No? I didn’t think so. Well I love you so I will tell you the truth- It has been incredibly different and never a generic size 4 or size 6. (See the lovely ad below to illustrate. Whew. That’s something to behold isn’t it? It would crack you up if it weren’t so crazy right?)
  14. Realize that we are ending a long history of patriarchal male objectification of the female image that we all participate in. Many people critique female genital mutilation in other cultures but don’t critique our own grotesque adulteration of the female image in our own culture. If you don’t think serious harm is being done here to us as women think again. Women die from eating disorders and the numbers are rising, not shrinking in terms of women with diagnosed eating disorders. Whether we die physically, have major health consequences that stem from disordered eating or have intense suffering to our emotional well-being, our relationships, our sex lives and our ability to create a life we choose- the consequences are real. Wow. Powerful way to oppress ourselves right? Two steps forward, three back? I wonder.
  15. Tap out the constant negative talk about food, good and bad, right and wrong and perfectionism. It’s the antithesis of love. And love will save us. That’s what a Goddess craves, needs and IS.

Want to feel like a goddess now, and not someday when that never comes?

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