Do you ever find yourself putting up with or tolerating things you feel you would really rather not?

Maybe you want to ask your husband or partner to take out the trash or help after dinner, or you really would love to quit your job and tell your difficult boss how you feel, you’ve been dreaming of starting a new venture but keep feeling like you just don’t have what it takes,  you want to lose weight but the food is just too compelling somehow even against your best intentions to change, or you’d like to raise your standards in ANY area of your life but somehow just don’t.

Worth is like an immune system of the soul. When we are feeling high self worth we are bright and shinning, in action and full of energy toward whatever we truly want to do.

When our worth is in the toilet for whatever reason, it is like having a low grade flu (or massive flu depending on the circumstance) operating under the surface of our lives keeping us operating at half of our true potential.

It’s when we wake up and can’t really smile as much as we once did but can’t quite figure out why.

This low grade “flu” of the soul can be cleared up.

All it takes is one moment of knowing our true worth, our true selves, our true hearts.

The secret is being honest with ourselves.

Here are some ideas to help brighten your soul and lift your worth:

1. Is there something or someone you feel you can’t forgive for any reason? Discovering who or what we are most resentful of or disappointed in and choosing to let go of these resentments and forgive is truly the fastest way to get to peace and raise our self worth. Why is this? Because so often the person we are most resentful or unforgiving of is ourselves. Being willing to forgive the past and ourselves may take some effort or tapping but it is like Zinc for the soul of our immune systems. (Take it from your holistic nutrition expert and soul whisper here, this much I know is true.)

2. Let go of anything that makes you feel like crap and do it NOW. Sometimes there are concrete and obvious things we can try to do like take a different route to work to avoid the traffic or tele-commute, and other times there are much harder things that have to be done like end a relationship or move. If something is making you feel bad and you can change it, doing it is a self nurturing and loving act. Any loving act builds worth. This is the vitamin A for the soul! (You see where this is headed…)

3. Get happy. As women, we often feel like we need to take care of everyone else’s needs before our own. Sometimes this can lead us down the thorny path of not knowing who we are and what WE want. Not fun. To get happy, I believe we have to treat ourselves as good or better than we treat everyone else from our kids to our pets. Man, you just know you would never treat your pet the way you treat yourself right? I used to joke that my horse got organic everything even when I hadn’t done that for myself that week. Well that is how selfless we can be as women right? That’s all good, but we have to give ourselves the best too and include what makes us happy. Dance. Sing. Write. Draw. Take that class. Eat well. Go for the hike. Whatever it is, do it and do it often, even if others think it’s weird or doesn’t make sense. Who cares if it makes you happy? This is selenium for the soul. Why? Because many people haven’t heard of selenium or know how critical it is for the immune system and yet it is one of the most important minerals for the immune system, the thyroid and health. Turns out it’s very depleted in most of us too.  Just like happiness. It is easy to supplement, all you have to do is know it matters for you deeply and isn’t an “extra” nutrient you can live without for long.

Maybe our worth is for our spirit, very similar to the immune system of our bodies in that the health of it is the sum total of all the assaults on it.

It isn’t just one thing that makes us feel “unworthy” perhaps but the little things and sometimes big that add up. For the immune system we look at this as a bucket filling up slowly, then one day it just overflows and someone has severe symptoms that they think are sudden. The problem however was a slow build up over a long period of time of little assaults.

Unload the bucket Goddesses. Feel the worth and joy.

For more articles about tapping for weight loss please visit my related article at EFT Universe here: Emotional Stress: The #1 Reason For Weight Gain

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