
Eat Like a Goddess

love yourself like a warrior

Eat Like a Goddess

Love Yourself Like A Warrior

End Emotional Eating Free Training

Permanent craving control with the power of your subconscious mind instead of will power.
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(because it doesn’t work)

Learn to Eat like a Goddess…
and feel amazing in your body


The way to find peace with food and truly love yourself and your body for a lifetime with expert EFT Tapping and Simple Nutritional Strategies instead of diets.


It all begins here.


Do you want to:


Have a uniquely you health plan. No more fads or diets.


Experience food freedom and flexibility. No more cravings.


Maintain your goal weight. No more rebounding.

It is possible, even if you’ve tried every diet and program and not gotten the results you’ve wanted so far. The secret isn’t in more effort, but in shooting the arrow at the right target- the subconscious mind. When we do, results are more than possible—they’re proven. You may find, like all of my clients over the last 15 years that in accessing their subconscious mind and the blocks holding them back that not only do they release weight but begin to create a life and relationships that give them real joy and even peace instead of struggle and anxiety.

You’re successful at so many other things (and nutrition savvy, too).

Yet, when you’re on a diet all you think about is food–and when it comes to food, it’s like you don’t even recognize yourself, the self sabotaging food cravings just take over.

You know, deeply, that this is the one thing that’s keeping you procrastinating living your best life. If you could just get a handle on your health and self sabotage when it comes to food, you know you could achieve more success, take on that career change, be confident in yourself (and feel fulfilled in your relationships that mean so much to you)

And most of all you want to lose weight naturally without dieting and find total peace with food and your body…

But food is everywhere and you’ve tried everything. What can you do to get the cravings to stop?


Have you been feeling:


Out of control when it comes to food


Obsessed with losing weight and healing other chronic health concerns realted to this


Confused about what to eat to control cravings and heal chronic health issues


Frustrated with diet after detox after diet with results that don’t last

It’s time for the change you’ve desired for so long.

“I’m at total choice with food now- done binging”

“I have been totally obsessed with food and eaten sugar every day and after almost every meal for most of my life… I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to not need the food or be at work and not want everything in the lunch room every day. No way. Now I don’t even think about the food. I’m not craving anything. All the need for the sweets is GONE. I’m at total choice with food. I feel… so free… and peaceful it is simply amazing. I’m also really realizing now how much power I have over my reality. All of the same situations and people are in my life and I just feel different. Thank you.”



Your body is your temple.

Your ability to access your God given intuition, joy and even self expression are either hindered or suppressed by poor health.

Our bodies are talking, the key is to listen.

If we struggle with many chronic health concerns from cravings to gut health, hormone imbalance and weight there are unheard messages for us.

These messages can take the form of old negative beliefs, unresolved (stored and suppressed) stress and trauma, a need to stay safe or protected or to hold onto habits that serve to comfort emotions we would rather not feel but that trap us in a constant cycle of ill health.

This is more often than not what holds us back in many areas of our lives- from health to wealth and in our relationship happiness… It’s all connected. As Gabor Mate, MD aptly claims in his renowned book The Body Keeps The Score, stress that goes un-address is not forgotten but more often than not stored in our body/mind.

Lasting results are often possible only when we dive deeper than just another one size fit’s all diet and instead heal deeply from within.

The true gift in every challenge with our health is our own personal awakening…and ability to love ourselves. From there all things are possible!

Read Articles for more information that Sandy has written at EFT Universe here: The #1 Cause of Emotional Eating and Weight Gain

Success Stories

“Lost 4 pounds in the past two weeks, no cravings… first time in 10 YEARS! Amazing.”

“It’s funny but I just realized that I haven’t been eating at all at night now or having my normal cravings during the day and oh, a side note- I lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks. I haven’t had no cravings or been able to lose weight without thinking about it like this in 10 years!!! And I didn’t even realize it because I’ve been so NOT focused on food or my body the last few weeks. Amazing. You are right. It isn’t about the food at all, it’s about everything else…”


“I never thought it would really be possible for me to STOP focusing on food… but I HAVE”

“I always thought there would have to be a charge around food, or it would always be difficult but I would just get better at handling it. That was my goal. When you said “no, it doesn’t have to be this way at all” I didn’t believe it, but now after working with you I can have something and not feel guilty about it and food just isn’t an issue in my life. I don’t spend my whole day focused on thinking about food, I think about ok, what is next for me. Which is my dreams and my business…. and how I was holding myself back in a MAJOR way. Now I’m in action, I’m doing it and in a way that works for me.”


Relationship and Success Coach

Meet Sandy

Certified Nutrition Consultant, Rebel Guide, Certified EFT Tapping Expert since 2005

Chef. Wildly passionate food lover. Spiritual Cowgirl. Guide. Mentor. Truth is, Sandy has many earned titles, but she’s never fit neatly into any box. After many years as a private chef and caterer to high-profile celebrities and studying health and nutrition, but still having out-of-control cravings herself, Sandy discovered that the secret (that solves this almost overnight when implemented correctly) is not in what we eat—but in healing the subconscious true causes of why we have cravings in the first place. Hint: it has nothing to do with food and everything to do with our forgotten distant pasts- but not in talking about it or having more awareness… but in healing the emotional triggers around it.

For more than 15 years, Sandy has helped hundreds of women successfully end emotional eating (cravings and food obsession) and lose weight naturally using expert EFT tapping and functional medicine nutrition. Sandy’s methods are different than anything else available, and her success rate is unheard of (although she’d tell you it’s the personal revolutions, passions awakened, and seeing the women she works with truly love themselves that lights her up most about the work she does.) Clients who complete her program are able to heal addictive cravings in less than two months and begin to balance or take off weight – no matter how long they have struggled in the past. Many of her clients have worked with great Naturopaths, Nutritionists, and Alternative healers, been to therapy, gone on every diet under the sun from Paleo, to Raw, to Keto, done endless cleanses and fasts, avoided sugar and worked out harder, but gotten no results with food cravings until now.

Sandy’s best selling course on the popular online media platform: DailyOM was #1 for several months when first released, and is a popular course today: Healing Subconscious Blocks to Weight Loss.

“Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken.”

Eve Ensler, feminist playwright

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3 Simple Steps to End Food Cravings and Lose Weight Naturally

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and eat like a goddess!

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