It’s a common theme and I’m sure this sounds redundant to many of you.

But here is the thing that is tricky. Often I have found working with people to end addictive habits that there is a lack of awareness around their feelings.

The leap to the food or addictive behavior is too strong and the feeling so deep and unconscious.

Here’s an example from working with someone recently who had suddenly found herself craving those starchy carbs in excess but couldn’t figure out why.

Was it her candida kicking in she wondered? It didn’t really make sense as she had been doing so good with cravings and then bam! This one hit her with intensity seemingly out of the blue.

Here’s a secret: Cravings are NEVER out of the blue Goddesses and hint at hidden emotional stress.


The hint for what was really going on was that she felt like crap emotionally and had gone “inward” and into a suppression mode with her feelings.

Most of all she knew she wasn’t feeling at peace or happy just before binging on the carbs so that is the big tip off right?

When we began meridian tapping to explore the triggers for her we discovered a very deep need to suppress her anger because it had never been safe to be angry in her family of origin. Again, this is a very common theme- unsafe emotions that then get repressed unconsciously and food is used to comfort them.

Tapping for the layers of feelings was quite empowering and freeing. Here are the themes that I think many would find very useful because of the universal theme.

When we tap, we simply need to stay with exactly what we are feeling without judgement or jumping ahead when possible. The best results with releasing the past and emotions are in actually honoring and feeling what you really feel.

The healing is in the feelings, not the suppression of them Goddesses so LOVE your feelings and let them move through you for best results.

Working with “Judith” (not her real name):

Tapping for “this bottomless well of feelings I was never allowed to have”:

KC: “even though there is this bottomless well of feelings I was never allowed to have overwhelming me as I think about my anger right now and I want the carbs… I love and accept myself.”

Through points: (staying with the feelings as long as needed, through several rounds of tapping)

They don’t listen to me even when I’m right

I’m sad and mad because they don’t listen to me

They don’t see me

They don’t really love me

It’s like I’m not really here

I don’t matter

What am I doing here if I don’t matter

I’m so mad I want to get back at them, then I’d feel important and powerful

As Judith tapped she noticed profound release of the anger, sadness and pain of ultimately feeling deeply unloved.

When she came to more peace with this feeling we created statements to reframe the possibilities (please NEVER do this before honoring your painful feelings first. The tendency is to want to skip ahead and “feel better” but that isn’t how this process works. Remember: suppressed emotion is the true cause of the problem and addictive need. Your true feelings matter. This process is one to help move, honor and release them naturally.)

Reframing the feelings once she had found more peace:

KC: “even though I did not feel loved because of how they acted and I felt like I didn’t matter, what if it was never my fault and they had their own problems and reasons for acting the way they did that had nothing to do with me.”

Through the points:

It was not my fault

I am not to blame for their behavior, they were the adults and I was too little to know better

I thought it was about me and that I was not important

Maybe it was about them and their problems

Maybe they weren’t well (in fact they were addicts)

I’m ok

I can listen to me

I know what’s right for me

I can take care of myself

I’m ok

I can love and respect myself, no matter what they do or how they behave

Tapping and honoring her true feelings was a genuine LOVE AMBUSH and she ended the session feeling worthy, amazing, and truly loved instead of kicked down and defeated.

Would you like a LOVE AMBUSH? To end your cravings go here:

Apply for a Breakthrough Session
