Recipe- Wild Salmon with Basil, Ginger Coconut Pesto

This is one of my favorite and most popular dishes. I will give you the basic ingredients, and you will have to make it your own! I make it different every time, as I do with most things. Enjoy it to your tastes.


Ingredients for Salmon:

6 oz Slices of Wild Salmon (as many as you need servings for)

1 TBSP Smoked Paprika

1 TBSP Regular Paprika

1 TBSP Onion Powder

1/4 tsp Cumin

1/4 tsp Corriander

1 tsp Dried Oregano

1 TBSP Brown Sugar or Regular Sugar

Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper to taste 


Ingredients for Pesto:

1/4 cup Coconut Milk

4 Stalks Green Onion

1/4 to half of a bunch of fresh basil

1/4 to hald of a bunch of fresh cilantro

1 to 2 TBSP Fresh Lime Juice

1/4 tsp Chopped Fresh Ginger

1 tsp Rice Wine Vinegar

1 to 2 tsp Brown Sugar

1/2 tsp Sea Salt


Blend all ingredients for pesto together until fully incorporated. I don't like it overly pureed, but use your judgement.

Set salmon on oiled baking sheet and drizzle with oil. Mix spices for the rub together and taste. Add more of anything you think it needs more of, except the sugar. It will burn. Sprinkle the rub generously over the fish. You should have enough rub for around 4 slices of 6oz protions.

Bake fish at 400 degrees for around 10 to 12 minutes.

Drizzle the pesto over the salmon to serve.